
Monday, October 11, 2010

In Review: Sixth Week of French Language Learning

In Class:
  • article noun agreement
  • reading comprehension through cultural journal articles
  • common time related adverbs
  • ear-training and pronunciation exercises for vowels
  • past tense verbs
  • expressions related to time
Language Sessions (with language helpers):
  • Living room vocabulary
  • basic action verbs 
  • TPR activities with the living room vocabulary and basic action verbs
  • Restaurant dialogue (arriving, being seated, ordering)
  • Reverse Role Play Restaurant
  • Hair Salon dialogue 
  • Reverse Role Play Hair Salon
  • I Spy with a living room picture
  • Map and Town Vocabulary
  • Information Gap activity with a picture of a town
On our own:
  • Reviewed recordings of classroom vocabulary
  • Reviewed recordings of language session vocabulary
  • Watched Cuisine DVD
  • Listened to children's songs (over and over)

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