
Monday, September 13, 2010

In Review: Second Week of French Language Learning

During our second week of French language learning, we covered the following topics in class:

  • Review
  • Some verb conjugations
  • Some opposites vocabulary
  • Housework vocabulary
  • Question composition
  • More daily routines
  • Ear-training
  • Body part vocabulary

Outside of class, my husband I did the following activities to supplement:
  • Listened to children's books on CD
  • Watched a children's Cooking Show (over and over and over): Cooking shows are another venue where language very directly corresponds to the speakers actions
  • Recorded our teacher saying any new vocabulary introduced in class each day
  • Listened to those recordings and drew pictures, or pointed to pictures of the vocabulary as we heard it (my husband would skip to different places in the track while I pointed to pictures, and vice versa)
  • Went to the open air market to do our shopping, where more language is required in order to purchase things 
  • Watched French Info-mercials.  Info-mercials are great for language acquisition because the person selling the products uses words that correspond directly to the items and movements that you see as you watch.
  • Continued building and logging and journaling our language learning experience.  This is very helpful so that we will be able to look back to see where we have come from and what gaps we still have in our language abilities.

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