
Monday, September 20, 2010

In Review: Third Week of French Language Learning

During the third week of French language learning, we did the following in class:

  • Discussed an article 
  • Grammar: Article and noun agreement
  • Grammar: verb conjugations
  • Partner dialogue practice
  • Writing exercises
Outside of class, my husband I did the following activities to supplement:
  • Listened to children's songs.  We got children's CDs from our public library around the corner, and we chose CDs with songs about daily routines, numbers, the alphabet, and family members.  Children's songs make for great music to start with because the singers articulate very clearly, and the songs are written with the purpose of teaching vocabulary and culture (this is how we brush our teeth, these are the magic words to say, etc, etc)
  • Listened several times to the same children's books on CD that we had listened to the week before.  
  • Reviewed class recordings
  • Reviewed the same info-mercials we have been watching now for three weeks.  

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